Best Fruits and Veggie Pairings for Steaks

Some people make the mistake of thinking that an excellent steak is just a piece of meat. In reality, the best steak meals are far more than just a cut of beef! Much more goes into a delicious steak dinner than merely cooking it properly. The best steak meals are paired with tasty sauces, veggies, and even fruits!


If you are looking to take your next fine steak meal to the next level, try some of these outstanding fruits or veggies as garnishes and sides. There are plenty of reasons that fruit and vegetables have become some of the classic companions to fine dining. Check out some of our ideas for the best fruits and veggie pairings for steaks, and you are likely to find a new favorite!

No Shortage of Scrumptious Selections

Fruits are a great flavor and nutritional complement to any steak. Citruses are especially popular, so any chance you get to add some orange, lemon, lime, or pineapple to your steak is a great opportunity. Citrus helps bring out the flavor of foods, and steak is no exception. Mango is another popular choice. While often thought to be a citrus fruit, mango is a tropical fruit with a sweet, tangy flavor that can complement a good steak.


Other fruits are not as sweet or tart but enhance a steak dinner, as well. Zucchinis are a classic pairing with steaks since they have a light flavor and a delicate consistency. They can be roasted, fried, or steamed in a variety of ways, each influencing just how the zucchini tastes. There is no wrong answer for most people since zucchini is nearly a universal favorite.


Avocado is an increasingly more common addition to steak dinners. Avocados are packed with savory flavor and healthy fats that can bring out the character of some cuts of steak.


Tomatoes are a classic addition to steak dinners and can be used in all kinds of ways, from sauces and glazes to diced sides or toppings. The acidic flavor of tomatoes can bring out the best in a good cut of steak.


Vegetables are a natural pairing with steak since so many of them go so well. Steamed asparagus is a healthy, flavorful option. The slight bitterness of asparagus is right at home next to the intense flavor of beef. Spinach, too, brings a crunchy, leafy palette cleanse that can help the flavors in skillfully cooked meat shine.

Of course, if you are stuck between a few options, you can always mix them and see how they work out! When you find yourself in an indecisive mood, or if you are unsure what you might like best with steak, opt for a side salad. Not only is this a healthy side option, but it can also help you figure out which flavors you enjoy best. Remember, the most crucial part of a steak dinner is that you enjoy it. Finding the best pairings for steaks is really about what you like best.


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