Creative Ideas for a Great Holiday Smoke

There is no better time for a fine cigar than during the holidays. Something about the sudden coming of winter and being surrounded by family and friends creates a beautiful setting for a relaxing smoke. The number of places and occasions to enjoy your favorite cigar seems practically limitless. Plus, the holidays are when family or friends who do not regularly enjoy cigars may be more willing to try them with you. This makes for great opportunities for bonding with relatives or breaking the ice at parties.


Lots of things can enhance a fine cigar, and cigars can make even the simplest activities much more enjoyable. This is even truer around the holidays when everyone wants to relax, unwind, and enjoy the finer things in life. Getting ready now means you will have everything you need to sit down and enjoy your favorite stogie. At Rib’N Reef, we have you covered. If you are looking for some great ideas for a holiday smoke, look no further. Any of these ideas will be sure to put you in the yuletide spirit.

A Fireside Smoke

There is little that is more refreshing and comfortable than a cigar by the fireplace. Not everyone can light up a cigar in their home or has a fireplace to sit beside, but a bonfire, fire pit, or any other source of heat and flame can be a great alternative. Perhaps no setting pairs as well with a good cigar as a warm fire. Add holiday decorations, gifts, the smell of food, and a nightcap, and you have a winning combination.

On a Scenic Winter Walk

Nobody says you have to smoke your cigar sitting down. If you have never been on a quiet walk through the woods or your neighborhood around the holidays, you are missing an excellent opportunity to enjoy the outdoors and your favorite smoke. Where you walk is not as important as getting out for some fresh air with a delicious stogie to help you appreciate the little things.

Over a Delicious Dinner

If you are having guests who enjoy cigars, why not have a smoke over dinner? This is not an option for many people. Not everyone wants to smoke inside his or her homes, and many family dinners have small children present. However, there are other ways to enjoy a good smoke over a satisfying meal, like popping in for a holiday meal at Rib’N Reef or another location that allows for indoor smoking.

The Key to a Great Holiday Smoke

The most crucial aspect of a great holiday smoke is to make sure it is a pleasant experience for everyone involved. Whether you smoke alone or with family and friends, make sure that you mind your manners around people who may not want to partake. Make sure beforehand that you let people know you plan to have a family cigar by the fire or over dinner and keep others’ preferences in mind. With a little bit of planning, you can set yourself up for your best holiday smoke yet.


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