Steak and Cigar – The Perfect Pairing

What’s not to love about a steakhouse and cigar lounge – where you can enjoy a perfectly cooked rare steak and a fine cigar. Over the past few years, cigar lounges have become more and more sought after. But just what is a cigar lounge and why is it even more enjoyable when paired with steak and fine dining?

The popularity of cigar lounges

Cigar lounges are a great way for anyone who loves cigars to enjoy them in the company of others who appreciate the same relaxing and satisfying experience. There are a few different kinds of cigar lounges.

Restaurants with a cigar lounge

These types of lounges are perfect – you can enjoy the experience of sampling different types of cigars while having a great meal. You can sit back and savor two of the things you love – food and cigars.

Lounges in cigar shops

You’ll find a few of these types of lounges in North America – a lounge within a cigar shop. Expand on your knowledge of cigars – then purchase your favorite and enjoy in the lounge.

Public cigar lounges

The main purpose of these cigar lounges is to socialise with others who love a fine cigar as much as you do. These lounges are great when you want to polish your knowledge about cigars with other cigar smokers.

Lounges for members only

Only registered members and their guests allowed for these cigar lounges. Don’t let that deter you…become a member.

Choosing the right cigar

If you’re a cigar aficionado, you know that a fine cigar is a satisfying way to end a great meal. But not just any cigar will do. Just like different wines are paired with food, so are cigars.

When you’re deciding on what cigar to pair with your meal try to keep one thing in mind – the cigar should complement the food so the flavors work together in perfect harmony.

Follow some of the same guidelines for cigars and food as you do when choosing the perfect wine or whisky with your meal. For wine, red wine brings out the flavors of heavier foods. And white wine enhances the flavors of lighter dishes. The same guidelines can be applied to cigars and food. Cigars have just as many complex tastes and subtle tones as any glass of wine.

Pairing food and cigars

Coronas pair well with appetizers of cheeses and olives. Coronas have a light smoke and won’t over-power your meal. This cigar also goes well with a simple fish dish, a nice mellowness to a fresh meal.

If you’re dining on steak and potatoes look for a cigar that’s more full-bodied, such as an Oscuro or Maduro. Both have a deep and rich flavor, making them robust enough to be enjoyed with a perfectly grilled steak.

The satisfaction of a good cigar before or after a steak

Very few things in life beat a good cigar before or after eating a delicious rib eye steak and a baked potato. There’s something satisfying and fulfilling about sitting back after a great meal and lighting up.

Some people enjoy a cigar before a meal as it sensitizes their taste buds and make the meal taste that much better. After ordering your meal, sit back with your glass of wine or glass of whiskey and cleanse your palate in preparation for a perfectly cooked filet mignon.

Others prefer to enjoy a cigar after they’ve eaten, rounding out the flavors of a great meal.

There are no hard and fast rules – before or after – pairing your cigar with a steak is what life is all about.

Smoking a finely rolled cigar continues to grow in popularity. Being able to enjoy the taste and aroma in the comfort and style of a steakhouse is one of the great pleasures in life!


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